Bylaws NOTE: Changed September 27, 2018 Currently under revision - Feb. 21, 2019
Purpose: The Oxford Regional Emergency Management Organization (hereafter referred to as OXREM) was established to assist local municipalities in quickly and efficiently mitigating emergency situations with minimal loss or risk to the property and people that reside within the Oxford Area School District. OXREM will accomplish this through advanced planning, enhanced communications, training, and resource sharing between member organizations.
Territory: The service area for OXREM includes all of the areas covered by the Oxford Area School District. This includes: Oxford Borough, East Nottingham Township, Elk Township, Lower Oxford Township, Upper Oxford Township, and West Nottingham Township.
Membership: OXREM membership is organized into three distinct categories: Sustaining, Associate, and Sponsor. These membership categories reflect the intent of the organization, and the desire to extend membership to other interested organizations and groups that can assist and receive assistance from OXREM in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
Sustaining Members: Sustaining membership is automatically extended to the municipalities that form the area serviced by OXREM, and which provide on-going representatives to OXREM from their municipalities. Sustaining members pay annual dues in the amount of $200.00 dollars per year (or an amount as adjusted by majority vote each year).
Sustaining members are the only voting members of the OXREM organization. Voting rights are granted to representatives from Oxford Borough, East Nottingham Township, Elk Township, Lower Oxford Township, Upper Oxford Township, and West Nottingham Township.
Associate Members: Associate membership is available to non-profit and not-for-profit groups or organizations that want to actively participate with OXREM in planning, training, and response to natural or man-made disasters. Associate members do not have voting rights, but can leverage from OXREM’s emergency communications radio network for emergency and incident management purposes (when developed). The fees for radio network usage will be based on the number of radios subscribing to the frequency, and will be charged on an annual basis.
Sponsor Members: Sponsor membership is available to commercial/for-profit organizations and groups that want to support OXREM in an ongoing or on a per-project basis. Sponsor members do not have voting rights, but can provide and designate funds towards preparation, prevention, and response projects related to OXREM’s purpose. OXREM will provide, when requested, an accounting to Sponsor members indicating the projects or activities supported by their funds.
Voting Procedures: Voting Procedures changed September 27, 2018 A Quorum of 4 representatives of the sustaining members must be present.
Representatives are: Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC), Deputy EMC, or an elected Municipal official. Sustaining Members of OXREM will vote on policy and single expenditures over one hundred dollars $100.00 with one vote per municipality by a verbal vote. If necessary, a roll call vote may be used. All other voting items will be by majority vote of the sustaining members present.
Resolutions: OXREM will keep on file any resolutions from all sustaining member organizations that support the creation and operation of the Oxford Regional Emergency Management Organization. By adopting these resolutions, it is understood that they will financially support the ongoing operation of OXREM.
Mutual Aid Agreement: Voting Member organizations agree to participate in the mutual aid and resource sharing guidelines set forth in the Regional Emergency Operations Plan (REOP) (when developed), as periodically amended by OXREM.
Dues: To support the ongoing administration of OXREM, all sustaining organizations will be responsible for dues as set forth by OXREM. These dues will be billed annually and may be adjusted by majority vote prior to each annual dues notice.
In the event that OXREM dissolves, any remaining funds will be divided equally among contributing members, not to exceed past contributions.
Officers: OXREM will have five (5) internally elected officers, representing the (6) six sustaining members. Positions will be for a 2 year term, January to December, with elections during the last meeting of the 2nd year. These officers and their duties are:
Position Description of Responsibilities Chairman Presides over all meetings and administrative affairs of OXREM. Can appoint temporary committees. Can call emergency meetings.
Vice-Chairman Acts in the capacity as the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.
Treasurer Responsible for all OXREM finances. Will report on finances at all regular meetings, or as directed by the Chairman.
Secretary Responsible for all OXREM correspondence. Takes and keeps a record of all meeting minutes.
Emergency Operations Responsible for the Regional Emergency Operations Plan (when developed). Coordinates Coordinator the activity of the Local Emergency Management Coordinators. In charge of the Regional Emergency Operations Center during declared emergencies where the Regional Operations Plan is activated
This plan is the guideline adopted and maintained by OXREM. The plan outlines Resource Lists, Mutual Aid agreement, communications protocol, and other emergency operations plans. This will be updated at least on a bi-annual basis.
The Local Emergency Management Coordinators will approve current versions of the REOP before being presented for approval by the OXREM membership.
Meetings: OXREM meetings will be on the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Regular meetings may be cancelled at the preceding meeting if the future agenda does not necessitate a meeting. The primary meeting location will be at the Oxford Borough Police Building located at 57 N 4th St, Oxford, PA, 19363. On occasion, the meeting location may change and any change will be announced at the preceding meeting and posted on the OXREM website (
*By Vote during the combined Nov/Dec 2017 Meeting on Nov. 30, 2017, the Regular meeting location was changed to the Hopewell Elementary School, 602 Garfield St. oxford Pa. 19363
Standing Committees: OXREM will utilize the following committees as needed. The committee chair will be responsible to report activities at the regular OXREM membership meetings.
Amendments to Bylaws: These bylaws may be amended from time to time as required by the OXREM Organization. Changes to the bylaws must be approved by a minimum of 5 votes of the sustaining membership during a regular monthly meeting. Advance announcement and presentation of the proposed changes will be dependent upon the scope of the changes. Circulation of proposed changes via email will be permitted, but voting must occur at a membership meeting.
Changes to these bylaws must be approved by vote, and validated by signature. Copies of the amended bylaws will be provided to each sustaining member and posted on the OXREM Web site (
Approvals:OXREM Sustaining Member Approval Signatures. Approved by all Muncipalities Jan, 23, 2014